
What CRM should I choose

  What CRM should I choose? The sales and marketing team is always busy when leads come from so many different avenues; in such a scenario promising leads could slip through the cracks. But with the implementation of SalezShark CRM, no promising leads get missed. It ensures you never worry that you will forget any critical touch points with leads because the sales and marketing automation provided by it ensures you don't miss it anytime. It offers a unique and powerful lead-management system that could be used to capture lots of data. As you know that generating reports manually is a tedious task but this CRM also automates the reporting system. It offers numerous customizable filters and dashboards which makes reporting easy. This CRM software is very intuitive, easy to set-up, configure, and customize. Its features like adding/removing users, assigning roles, editing lists, formatting fields, setting up workflows are very user-friendly. So choose SalezShark CRM for better busin

What are the benefits of Social CR

Social CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is one of the latest evolvements in CRM technology. It is not only based on past, present, and future customer interaction or data; but majorly focuses on conversations and relationships that businesses build with customers on various social media portals like Facebook, LinkedIn. One of the studies conducted by Twitter and Market Probe International, 65 percent of people who use social media platforms tend to share positive feedback on products and services online through social media portals. By applying Social CRM practices and techniques businesses can avail a plethora of advantages like marketing experts can identify and track their biggest online influencers and follow what they are speaking and sharing. So, let us look into a few benefits of implementing social CRM   Get Quality Leads: By posting and sharing relevant content on social media portals that meets the consumers’ needs and expectations results in high-quality lead gener

Will marketing be automated

  Will marketing be automated? The arrival of the internet and its exponentially day-by-day increasing connectivity has completely transformed the dynamics of the marketing domain. Consumers these days surf multiple business websites online to know about products and services and even many businesses are thankful to the internet for this massive exposure. The way of marketing products and services is changed and many marketing activities are getting automated nowadays. In order to create and run a successful online marketing campaign, you need the power of marketing automation that provides detailed analytics and data-driven approach. In the market at present, there are many marketing automation services available that are helpful in assisting with the dilemma of targeting the right buyers for the right product and service.   Marketing automation software is the basic need of businesses today and it is proving out to be highly effective in not only automating and streamlining the

What is the difference between CRM and marketing automation

  What is the difference between CRM and marketing automation? Marketing automation software is enabling businesses in establishing personalized and strong relationships effectively with the leads and existing customers. Marketing automation enables marketers in getting touch with the leads and existing customers based on their buying behavior, trends, and geographic locations. Marketing automation is getting popular day-by-day because it offers great features to modern marketers that enable them in generating better marketing qualified leads and target leads and existing customers based on their interests, needs, and expectations. By using marketing automation software businesses not only enhance the customer acquisition process but also can also automate their lengthy manual marketing tasks, they can create and execute impeccable email marketing campaigns and automate them as per their target audience. Thus marketing automation software helps marketers in more than one way.   H

Is Email marketing effective for generating business Leads?

  Is Email marketing effective for generating business Leads?   Times when you wish to market new products and services and want buyers to opt for them then during such times email marketing is not one of the best ways to market the products and services but also helps businesses in scaling-up the lead conversion rate in terms of sales and closing deals effectively. If your emails are created and well-executed, then it can touch the right chord, and enable your business to establish a loyal customer base and generate high-quality business leads. Many businesses and their sales and marketing team often face a hard time creating and executing an effective email campaign that garners success for their business and maximizes their email marketing results in terms of generating good business leads. So here we are with a few effective ways of how email marketing can help in generating high-quality business leads. Just follow the below steps to ensure effective lead generation:   Set

Which Language is better for Career PHP or ASP.NET

  If you are looking forward to learning any kind of programming language to establish your career in the software development domain, then there are three major choices that you can think upon- PHP, ASP.NET, and Java. As we know due to complex nature and difficulty in learning very few people opt for Java. On the other hand, learning, ASP.NET, and PHP are really very simple to learn and also the most preferred programming languages by most of the learners. Just because these languages are easy to learn and have a huge job market offering great career opportunities make them highly preferred for any learner. However, many times a beginner who is keen to learn any new language always wishes to know which language he or she should learn to build a better career ahead. Most of the times learners get confused between two languages to learn that are PHP and ASP.NET   Every different learner holds a different opinion for selecting PHP or ASP.NET as a career option. While some think that

Lead Management System | Lead Management Solution

  How Lead Management System Benefits Businesses?   The lead the management system is also known as CRM- customer relationship management software has tremendously transformed the dynamics of the sales and marketing domain and has entirely changed the way of selling and marketing products and services to customers. With the pace of time in the recent decade, the sales and marketing domain has witnessed several changes, and one of the prominent changes that benefitted businesses is the arrival of the lead management solution.   We all know how difficult and challenging it can be for any business to generate the leads, effectively nurture the leads, and then quickly converting those leads into customers. It’s not as simple as it sounds. These processes are time-consuming and require a lot of effort and patience at the same time. Most of the sales and marketing professionals work under the pressure of generating quality leads, once they generate leads then the other challenge is o

The Significance of Workflow Automation

  The Significance of Workflow Automation   It’s a well-known fact that businesses thrive on sales and it gets possible by constantly pursuing leads. Mostly Sales Managers assign leads to Sales Executives. Manually assigning and distributing these leads is a tedious and time-consuming process. To simplify this process SalezShark has introduced a new innovative feature “Work flow Automation – Assignment Rules” in Lead, Account, Contact and Opportunity Module. It ensures that the leads are assigned and distributed among the sales executives in a fair manner that results in the enhancement of sales productivity and leads to higher ROI. SalezShark makes this process easy by enabling Workflow Automation- Assignment Rules functionality that enables you to perform actions which include assignment of Leads, Accounts, Contacts & Opportunities automatically to users based on the workflow rules that administrator have set for the Account. Entities-Lead, Account, Contact, Opportunity will