Email Automation with CRM Creates Wonders

Email Automation with CRM Creates Wonders
Email automation with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has the capability to create wonders as it is one of the proven marketing tactics and a useful tool to communicate with the leads that matter to the company. Email automation helps businesses to showcase products and services in front of the target audience effectively. It allows sales and marketing executives to attain good sales and ROI. Let us look into a few pointers proving that email automation with CRM can create wonders:
Highly action-oriented: At present, we all are living in the digital age of communication and grown up with using emails. For most of us during our school and college days, we learned to handle the emails we recieve, whether it is replying, forwarding, or clicking on them; each email is going to incite some sort of action. As we know, an email is one of the most organic and effective ways to bring direct traffic to any website, which is a healthy practice to undertake when trying to establish a business, get traffic, and achieve better sales. It is one of the effective and efficient marketing techniques generating better results in no time by keeping various call to action in a single email.
It is measurable: Email automation with CRM is highly measurable and produces results quickly, which is, most of the time, measurable and tangible. By saying the results are tangible means that with these results, you can track the open rate, click rate, and the number of recipients who subscribe and unsubscribe the emails. In the market these days, there are multiple CRM providers that offer the same features of email automation that allows the businesses to analyze, track, and monitor the results; it also helps businesses to learn even more valuable information about their leads so they can have a thorough understanding in which to improve for future email automation plans.
Personalization & segmentation is easier: In the market these days, email automation software enables companies to personalize business emails based on the first and last names of the leads. As per one random survey, personalized emails generate a 13% increase in CTR (Click through Rate) and an 11% increase in conversion. Besides this, personalized subject lines generate a 25% higher open rate. Email automation with CRM nowadays also keeps track of buyer’s Journey. Companies now can send relevant marketing messages in the form of emails as per the buyer’s need. It allows businesses to pitch for the right product at the right time in front of the relevant lead, which surely results in higher conversion rates and lower unsubscribe rates.
Smartphones: As we all know, smartphones are an inseparable part of our lives. Most of us today are connected through smartphones, and we use smartphone for multiple tasks throughout the day including checking emails and maintaining communication and correspondence with others. It does not matter people are traveling or waiting for any meeting to start, or see some downtime with no internet connectivity, they have access to their smartphones so they can easily keep track of their emails while they are on the go. Checking and tracking email is one of the most used daily activities on a smartphone, which brings us to an average of approx. 91% of people using their smart phones to check their emails. In such scenarios, these email automation with CRM is also accessible through smartphones, which helps several sales and marketing professionals to keep track of email marketing campaigns.
Thus, email automation with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a very convenient form of communication and marketing for organizations, and without it, organizations could be losing a substantial audience and lose out on some lucrative opportunities too.
Summary: Most of the sales and marketing professionals go wrong by drafting sales emails that are too lengthy, too self-centered, and provide little or almost negligible value to the recipient. In such scenarios, email automation with CRM has capabilities to create wonders that help organizations to get better sales and fetch a good amount of revenue.

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